Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Questions About the Grants & Scholarships
Who can apply for a grant?
YAYA alumni are eligible to apply for grants from Ana & Adeline Foundation. They must have earned a high school diploma or GED by May 31, 2024 and must document at least two consecutive years as YAYA artists.
Fill out the YAYA Alumni ENROLLMENT Form to confirm your eligibility.
Applicants can live in New Orleans, where the foundation is based, or anywhere else in the United States or the world.
Applicants can submit only one application per award cycle: Grants or Scholarships
Past award recipients are eligible to reapply. The previous final reporting requirements have been suspended at this time as we develop new ways to work with awardees to document their experiences.
Artists not affiliated with YAYA and organizations are not eligible to apply for grants.
What disciplines does the foundation support?
The foundation supports creativity and leadership in the visual arts and design.
What is the deadline to apply?
Midnight Pacific Time​ April 8, 2024
When must grant and scholarship activities take place?
Activities must take place between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. (Scholarship applicants who are interested in participating in summer 2024 programs may make a special request for an earlier start date.)
How do I apply for a grant?
Only applications completed online will be considered for funding. Please do not mail a copy of your application.
I do not have computer. How can I apply online?
If you do not have a computer, one possible resource for completing the application is a computer at a public library. It is possible to start the application process, save the application and return to the application to complete it later. You do not have to use the same computer when returning to the application.
If I have trouble with the online process, can someone help me?
The Foundation offers assistance to completing the online application if you do not have a computer, limited data plan or no wifi, or have other accessibility needs. Please reach out to the Foundation to request assistance: email or call (985)262-3686..
I started my online application. How do I save my application and complete it later?
The online application is hosted by SUBMITTABLE, an online platform that will prompt you to set up a free account where you can start, save and later return to your application. Your application will not be reviewed until after the deadline.
How should I format my work samples?
Please name your files with your last name and the work sample number.
For example. if your last name is Smith, the work samples will be named as follows:
Work Sample #1: "Smith1.jpg"
Work Sample #2: "Smith2.jpg"
Work Sample #3: "Smith3.jpg"
Work Sample #4: "Smith4.jpg"
​Work Sample #5: "Smith5.jpg"
What is a letter of support?
The letter of support is a letter or documentation from the institution or individual that will be hosting your project, typically written on their letterhead. You can upload the letter directly into the online application form.
When do I need a letter of support or a reference letter?
Letter of support is recommended, but optional, for grant requests greater than $1,500.
Reference letters are required for scholarships greater than $1,000.
Do not wait to request this letter. It can take time for a person to have this ready for you, so ask for it right away!
How do I submit the images and video?
All images and video can be uploaded directly through the online application. The maximum space for all combined attachments on one application is 1GB.
Can I get support in completing my grant or scholarship application?
Yes. We offer a Grant & Scholarship Info Zoom Webinar and the Artist Toolbox Zoom Lab Series. You are invited to attend on Zoom or in-person at the scheduled dates and times or return to view the recordings once the date has passed. Check out the Tips for a Stronger Application for further guidance.
Applicants are welcome to schedule a phone meeting for individual questions, feedback and support. To do so, send an email to or text or call 985-ANA-FOUN (985-262-3686) to schedule an appointment.
When are applicants notified?
Applicants will be notified by Friday May 3, 2024.